Insulation Refractory

Chinese National Standard GB/T 10699—2015 – Calcium Silicate Thermal Insulation

Release Time: 2025-01-03
Read: 15

Calcium Silicate Thermal Insulation

*(ISO 8143:2010, Thermal insulation products for building equipment and industrial installations—Calcium silicate products, NEQ)*

1 Scope

This standard specifies the terms and definitions, classification, requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation, and storage of calcium silicate thermal insulation products.It is applicable to calcium silicate thermal insulation products used in various equipment, kilns, pipelines, and their accessories with hot surface temperatures not exceeding 1000°C.*Note: For applications below ambient temperature, special measures are recommended.*

2 Normative References

The following documents are essential for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies.For undated references, the latest edition (including all amendments) applies.

  • GB/T 191 Packaging—Pictorial marking for the handling of goods
  • GB/T 4132 Thermal insulation materials and related terms
  • GB/T 5464 Non-combustibility test method for building materials
  • GB/T 5486-2008 Test methods for inorganic rigid thermal insulation products
  • GB 8624-2012 Classification for burning behavior of building materials and products
  • GB/T 10294 Thermal insulation—Determination of steady-state thermal resistance and related properties—Guarded hot plate apparatus
  • GB/T 10295 Thermal insulation—Determination of steady-state thermal resistance and related properties—Heat flow meter apparatus
  • GB/T 10296 Thermal insulation—Determination of steady-state thermal transmission properties—Calibrated and guarded hot pipe apparatus
  • GB/T 10297 Methods for determination of thermal conductivity of nonmetallic solid materials—Hot wire method
  • GB/T 10299 Test method for water repellency of thermal insulation materials
  • GB/T 14402 Test method for heat of combustion of building materials
  • GB/T 17393 Specification for thermal insulation for use over austenitic stainless steel
  • GB/T 30806 Test method for dimensional stability under specified temperature and humidity conditions for building thermal insulation products
  • HJ/T 206-2005 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products—Non-asbestos building materials
  • JC/T 618 Methods of chemical analysis of soluble chlorides, fluorides, silicates and sodium ions in thermal insulation materials

3 Terms and Definitions

The terms and definitions defined in GB/T 4132 and the following apply to this document.

3.1 Crack Completely Through the Insulation

A crack penetrates the product in any direction (length, width, or thickness).

4 Classification

4.1 Varieties

4.1.1 According to the maximum service temperature: Type I (650°C), Type II (1000°C).

4.1.2 According to product density: Type I includes 240, 220, and 170 grades; Type II includes 270, 220, 170, and 150 grades. Special density products can be provided as per agreement between supplier and customer.

4.2 Shapes

Classified by shape into flat boards, curved boards, and pipe sections.

4.3 Product Marking

The marking sequence is product name, variety, shape, length × width (inner diameter) × thickness, and this standard number.maximum service temperature is indicated by I or II; flat board, pipe section, and curved board are represented by P, G, and H respectively.

A flat board with a length of 600 mm, width of 300 mm, thickness of 60 mm, 220 grade, and maximum service temperature of 1000°C is marked as:

Calcium Silicate Thermal Insulation II220P 600×300×60 GB/T 10699—2015

5 Requirements

5.1 Appearance Quality

5.1.1 Surface Defects The product shall have no edge defects with a length exceeding 30 mm and a depth exceeding 10 mm, nor corner defects with an edge length exceeding 20 mm and a depth exceeding 10 mm. Edge damage with a depth not greater than 3 mm and corner damage with a depth not greater than 4 mm are not considered surface defects. The total number of defects falling between the dimensions specified in and shall not exceed four, with no more than two being corner defects. The product shall be free from through cracks.

5.1.2 Thickness Uniformity

The deviation between the local thickness at any measurement point and the average thickness of the product shall not exceed 3 mm.

5.1.3 Perpendicularity Deviation For board-shaped products, the perpendicularity deviation in the length and width directions shall not exceed 6 mm/m, and in the thickness direction shall not exceed 2 mm/m. For pipe section products, the end perpendicularity deviation shall not exceed 3 mm/m.

5.1.4 Warping For flat board products, the warping shall not exceed 0.5% of the length (or width) or 3 mm, whichever is greater. For curved board and pipe section products, the longitudinal warping shall not exceed 0.5% of the product length or 3 mm, whichever is greater.

5.2 Dimensional Tolerances

Based on the specified nominal dimensions, the allowable dimensional tolerances of the products shall comply with the requirements in Table 1.

Table 1 Dimensional Tolerances

Table 1 Dimensional Tolerances

Table 2 Physical Property Indicators

Table 2 Physical Property Indicators

5.4 Combustion Performance

Calcium silicate itself is a non-combustible material. Products reinforced with organic fibers shall achieve a combustion performance rating of Class A (A1) as specified in GB 8624-2012.

5.5 Soluble Ion Content, Leachate pH, and Corrosiveness

Most calcium silicate insulation products contain trace amounts of water-soluble chlorides and other halides, as well as sodium ions. When used with austenitic stainless steel, they shall meet the requirements of GB/T 17393. Upon user request, test data on soluble ion content and leachate pH shall be provided.

5.6 Hydrophobicity

For products requiring hydrophobic properties, the hydrophobic rate shall be greater than 98%, and other physical property indicators shall still meet the requirements specified in Table 2.

5.7 Asbestos Content

The product shall be asbestos-free.

6 Test Methods

6.1 Appearance Quality

Test according to Chapter 5 of GB/T 5486-2008. Thickness uniformity is determined by the difference between the thickness at any measurement point and the average thickness of the same specimen.

6.2 Dimensional Tolerances

Test according to Chapter 4 of GB/T 5486-2008. Dimensional deviation is the difference between the arithmetic mean of measurements in the same direction on a specimen and its nominal dimension.

6.3 Density and Moisture Content

Test according to Chapter 8 of GB/T 5486-2008.

6.4 Dimensional Stability

Test according to GB/T 30806. Test conditions: temperature (23±2)℃, relative humidity (90±5)%, duration 48 hours.

6.5 Uniform Temperature Firing Performance

Test according to Chapter 10 of GB/T 5486-2008. Firing temperature: Type I at 650℃, Type II at 1000℃; holding time: 16 hours.

6.6 Thermal Conductivity

Test according to GB/T 10294, GB/T 10295, GB/T 10296. For temperatures above 300℃, test according to GB/T 10297. GB/T 10294 is the arbitration method.

6.7 Compressive Strength

Test according to Chapter 6 of GB/T 5486-2008.

6.8 Flexural Strength

Test according to Chapter 7 of GB/T 5486-2008.

6.9 Combustion Performance

In accordance with GB/T 5464 and GB/T 14402.

6.10 Soluble Ion Content, Leachate pH Value, and Corrosiveness

Soluble ion content is determined according to JC/T 618; leachate pH value and corrosiveness are determined according to GB/T 17393.

6.11 Hydrophobicity

In accordance with GB/T 10299.

6.12 Asbestos Content

In accordance with Appendix A of HJ/T 206-2005.

7 Inspection Rules

7.1 Inspection Classification

7.1.1 Factory Inspection

Factory inspection items include: appearance quality, dimensional tolerances, density, moisture content by mass, and compressive strength.

7.1.2 Type Inspection

Type inspection items encompass all items specified in Chapter 5. Type inspection should be conducted under any of the following circumstances:
a) During trial production for new products or when existing products are transferred to a new manufacturing facility;
b) After formal production, when significant changes in raw materials or processes may affect product performance;
c) During regular production, at least once a year;
d) When production resumes after a shutdown of six months or more;
e) When routine inspection results differ significantly from the previous type inspection.

7.2 Batch Formation and Sampling

7.2.1 Batch Formation

A batch consists of products of the same variety produced continuously using the same raw materials, formulation, and stable production process. The production period for a single batch should not exceed one week.

7.2.2 Sampling Sample Selection

Samples should be randomly selected from qualified products. For appearance quality and dimensional tolerance inspections, sample sizes are determined as specified in Table 3. In Table 3, batch size and sample size refer to the number of boards or blocks or the number of complete pipe sections. For physical performance tests, specimens are randomly selected from samples that have passed appearance quality inspection, according to the quantity specified in the respective test method standards. Sampling Plan
The double sampling plan is shown in Table 3.

Table 3 Sampling Plan and Decision Rules for Attribute Inspection

Table 3 Sampling Plan and Decision Rules for Attribute Inspection

7.3 Decision Rules

7.3.1 Appearance quality and dimensional tolerances are evaluated according to Table 3.

7.3.2 A batch is deemed conforming if all inspection items meet the requirements specified in Chapter 5; otherwise, it is deemed non-conforming.

8 Marking, Packaging, Transportation, and Storage

8.1 Marking

Products leaving the factory should be accompanied by a quality certificate clearly indicating nominal values. Each package should be labeled with the product designation, quantity, manufacturer’s name and address, and production date.

8.2 Packaging

Products should be packed in cartons with moisture-proofing and anti-loosening measures. Packaging should be marked with “Handle with Care” and “Keep Dry” symbols in accordance with GB/T 191.

8.3 Transportation

During transportation, products should be protected from moisture. Loading and unloading should be handled with care.

8.4 Storage

Products should be stored indoors, elevated from the ground, and sorted by variety. Storage areas should be solid, dry, and level.


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